
At Cryo Retford, our aim is to make the world of Cryotherapy simple and easy to understand. We want to provide you with knowledge so that you realise how Cryotherapy can support you in your life. Cryotherapy isn’t something that only sports professionals can benefit from, it has benefits that can help a far wider range of people.

We use top of the range Cryosense cryosaunas, which are the first cryosaunas to provide both extreme cold and heat in one unit. The benefits of this are that our clients can choose to alternate between heat therapy and cryotherapy in one session, thanks to the cryotherapy chamber which uses liquid nitrogen to cool the air to – 196 degrees Celsius, or raise it as high as 80.

Not only do we at Cryo Retford provide whole body cryotherapy, but our Cryosense cryochamber is the only chamber available that can target your upper and lower body separately as a result of two different target zones. This allows for more targeted and effective pain management.


We offer both single sessions of Cryotherapy and package deals. For more information, see our services page, and book online and see how Cryotherapy can change your life.